- Advisors – Amélie Gyrard, Maxime Lefrançois, Antoine Zimmermann, Philippe Calvez
- Contact – send application to Maxime.Lefrancois@emse.fr, Antoine.Zimmermann@emse.fr,Philippe.Calvez1@engie.com
- Location – ENGIE CRIGEN 361, avenue du Président Wilson BP 33 9321 Saint-Denis La Plaine Cedex
- Team – Connected Intelligence & Computer science and Intelligent Systems Dpt
In the context of a research convention with ENGIE R&D, we are interested in helping organizations and companies make their systems interoperable on the Web. The RDF data model, and web ontologies, are key enablers for the interoperability on the Web. We are focusing on using the SEAS modularized and versioned ontologies [1], which are a result of the ITEA 2 European project SEAS (Smart Energy Aware Systems) [2]. These ontologies define various design patterns that may be implemented in new modules, or in external ontologies. One hence needs to support developers with tools to write RDF that conforms to these ontologies, or to validate RDF messages. There exists no shared understanding of this notion of "conformance", and some ontology specification documents explicitly include a section about it (e.g., [3]). Its definition may include for example:- that the message only uses terms whose definition can be looked up on the Web of Data;
- that the message only uses terms that are defined in some ontology;
- that the message validates against some schema;
- that the union of the message and the ontologies form a consistent knowledge base.
The goal of this internship is first to study how this notion of "conformance" is defined for different existing ontologies, then to propose conformance specifications for the SEAS ontologies, and finally to implement these specifications in preliminary tools that will be used by organizations and companies.
Expected results
- a state of the art over the notion of "conformance" with respect to web ontologies;
- application and specialization to the SEAS ontologies.
- tools to help developers write messages that conform to the SEAS ontologies, and/or validate messages against the SEAS ontologies;
- web site to communicate about the results of this internship and expose the developed tools.
- [1] SEAS Ontologies - https://w3id.org/seas/
- [2] The SEAS project - https://the-smart-energy.org/
- [3] Conformance for the RDF Data Cube ontology - https://www.w3.org/TR/vocab-data-cube/#conformance