Connected Intelligence

Keywords: Decentralized market, microgrid


In this work, we wish to investigate the concept of decentralized markets in microgrids, as to improve local load balancing as much as possible within a distribution network. The idea is to use multiagent and distributed optimization techniques to implement this market in a decentralized manner (without requiring the DSO to enforce the load balancing). Previous works by Cerquides et al. [1,2] proposed the EAP formalisation and some algorithms to clear the market with both discrete and continuous offers [1]. However, there still exists tracks to follow:

The first question means that the current model only consider one turn of market clearing, while it could be possible to revise offers and then ask for another market clearing at high frequency many time a day. The second one should answer the issue of how to fix price with respect to the context (common market price, weather, past transactions, etc.).
